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Admission Open Session 2025-2026
Royal Oxford International Sr. Sec. School

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Welcome to Royal Oxford International Senior Secondary School, Etawah

The school was established on 10th April, 2011 under the aegis of Shri Vinay Kumar Shiksha Prasar Samiti, Nagla Harju Moonj, Etawah by the blessings of Almighty God with the vision to up lift the standard of Education not only in Etawah but all over the country. A standard of city is measured by the education of the citizens of a particular area. The school makes all efforts to provide the International level of education.

The father of our nation said "Literary education is of no value if it is not able to build a sound character". By blending India's Culture and Heritage with Internationally accepted Educational system, Royal Oxford International Sr. Sec. School strives precisely for the overall character development of a child. The traditional 'Chalk & Talk' method of imparting Education is replaced by an effort to discover and nurture the special gifts of each student and inspiring one to attain peak potential through Academic and Co-curricular activities. A directional tress on enchusias tic participation, development of team spirit and sharpening of motor skills are some of the specific areas, that are emphasized upon by :

  • Providing quality Education and creating a zest for learning.
  • Broadening mental horizons and creating a deeper awareness.
  • Ensuring physical mental and spiritual growth.
  • Channelising youthful energy towards the enviroments and society with a positive and friendly attitude.
  • Preparing the child to face the complexities of life with courage and live disciplined life.
  • Laying a strong emphasis on character building.
  • Including ethical and moral values in a child by providing an appropriate Moral and Cultural environment.

Our major concern is all round development of the child by maintaining quality Education. The deep rooted belief of the school is that every child is full of talents. We need to shape them by providing platform to prove them and proper guidance. Theme of the school "Let your light shine" itself reflects it. Due to ignorance, number of gems remains unpolished and we lose our precious gems which could shine and show the lights to others as well.

Object of the school is to make the students independent. So that they become the asset for their family & Society. The practice of knowledge with discipline leads to success and thus to a happier & Complete life, which in turn shall lead to a happier world. Each one of us is capable of and has a responsibility towards our offspring to contribute our might in the making of better and happier world.

Vision & Mission



Royal Oxford takes the step forward with a vision of creating a dynamic generation that imagined and innovated their own revolutions hopefully, one fine morning.'



With the world changing constantly, the future is being reshaped too, every minute. Royal Oxford aims at the holistic development of a child, making them future ready, regardless of the change.



Integrating technology in education to make our students ‘Future Ready’.



Creating future leaders using technical revolution and instilling values.